Student Blog #9

by Guest Writer Samuel

When I initially heard about Cleaning Closets last May I was instantly excited and intrigued. As someone who is newly openly gay I was excited by the idea of being surrounded by people who have experienced the same things I have and are dealing with the struggles I have faced and am still facing. I am very passionate about equality and gay rights. I am the first person to say being gay is not easy. It involves a lot of fear, tears, and anxiety. With that said, I want people to know how hard it really is for people who are gay or bi or what have you. People like us face hardships everyday and yet people will say its a choice. I know I would not personally choose to make my life harder everyday. That is one thing I want people to take away from this show once it actually goes up. I want people to see just what really goes through someones head who is dealing with this. People who battle with coming out of the closet often are suicidal, turn to drugs and people don't realize that. They continue to tear us down. 

I love this whole cast and Jonathan so very much. I have already learned so much about this group of people. I feel so welcomed and loved when I am with them every night at rehearsal. Every time we close that therapeutic threshold it is like we are all escaping from the real world to a place of true love and acceptance. I find myself amazed everyday by the new stories that the cast shares. I have learned so much about these people that I would have never suspected. What I love most is all though we are all from totally different walks of life and backgrounds we all fit together like the prettiest puzzle you have ever seen. 

I look forward to seeing how the show grows from now until opening night. I just hope that everyone who sees this show sees the beauty in it like we do. I hope to change someone's life in the audience even if it is only one person. I hope that someone may be in the audience who is struggling with coming out and that they can find the strength to come out and love themselves for exactly who they are because of our show. 

Remember to always Live. Laugh. Love. 


